Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weight Blaster Unlimited! The #1Natural,Safe, Weight loss Solution!

Become A Weight Blaster Unlimited! Distributor

Chiforce labs LLC Pharmaceuticals offers distribution opportunities of our quality Natural Products to Importers, Wholesalers , Mail-Order Houses and Retailers (including E-Commerce) High Quality Nutrition Supplement Development and Labeling under the FDA GUIDELINE.

Your own health products Distributorship
Gives You These Important Benefits

Not Multi-Level Sales: This is absolutely not a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) program. You keep the profits you earn; no exorbitant consumer retail pricing, no meetings to attend, no sponsoring, no down lines, no heavy marketing hype.
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Comprehensive Product Range: Unlike most MLM brands, We ship all orders within 24 hours.

What ever you promote you have a stake in!

Chiforce labsLLC

Pharmaceuticals offers high quality products. These high demand, highest quality, formulations help people enhance their health and well being.
You earn up to 25% Mark-Ups: giving you high profits and allowing you to discount to your customers if you wish, in the retail marketplace.
Your Choice of Part-Time or Full-Time: Enjoy the latitude of determining your own level of commitment. Set your own goals ... part-time supplemental income or full-time for significant steady income with a solid growth potential.
Repeat Orders from Consumers: Build your business by offering America's best health products values and enjoy the residual income with steady, repeat-sales from customers.
Protected Distributorship: Without territorial restrictions, you'll enjoy unlimited earnings and exponential growth.
Your Competitive Advantage: Not typically available in mass merchandise stores, discount chains or supermarkets,

Chiforce labsLLC

Pharmaceuticals formulations are produced using the finest-quality nutritional ingredients, manufactured under strict quality-control, quality-assurance guidelines.

Each production batch (identified on each label with an individual lot number) is laboratory-tested to assure product purity, freshness, potency and disintegration time. After laboratory analysis is completed, the formulations, are pharmaceutical-fresh packaged, available for shipment to distributors worldwide directly from our factory.

Our products are manufactured and packaged in accordance with strict controls set forth by the Federal Food and Drug agencies. Each product is laboratory tested and . These clinical tests measure consistent Quality, purity and potency of the active ingredients. Only the finest quality nutritional ingredients are used in our products. No artificial colorings, preservatives, flavorings, sugars, salt or starch. If interested to become a distributor please press the paypal sign up button we will then email, the Membership Application Information for you to fill out and email back.

become a weight blaster unlimited distributor pick the level of Income percentage you want to earn, and then pay the one time distributor fee..

To get a 25% Commission on all referrals you join for $ 40.00

to get a 50% Commission,you join for $60.00

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You file your taxes as a Independent contractor.

We Train you to market and promote this explosive and powerful natural product,over the Internet try the product and it sell,s it,s self.

Successful Weight Loss
Ingredients for Success

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How to Lose Weight Loss

You already know how to lose weight. At it's simplest, you need to burn more calories than you eat, right? And exercising and eating healthy is the healthiest way to do that, right? But, successful weight loss doesn't start with your body--it starts with your mind.
As we've all discovered, the mind is a powerful thing--it can take you to success or failure, depending on your attitude. What you think about yourself can make the difference between reaching your goals and quitting before you even get started. So how do you get your mind right to make exercise and healthy eating a part of your life? Below are some key ingredients you can rely on to reach your goals.


You already know you have to commit to being healthy, but what does that actually involve? Being committed means you have to wake up every day and decide you're going to make healthy choices. Being committed is a choice and something you have to reinforce each day. So how do you do that? Use these tips to help you commit to your goals:

Plan and Prepare. The night before, plan your workout for the next day and get all your stuff (gym bag, clothes, etc.) ready to go. Decide what and when you'll eat and get your meals ready. Make it as easy as possible to follow through with your plans.
Motivate Yourself. Remind yourself throughout the day of your workout plans--send yourself a reminder or have a friend call and ask about your workout, so it's always in the front of your mind.
Hold Yourself Accountable. What will happen if you skip that workout? You need to have consequences so that missing your workout isn't an option--maybe you can't watch your favorite TV show until you exercise. On the other side, you can also reward yourself for working out--just make sure you don't reward yourself with food.
Remember Your Goals. As you're getting ready for the day, remember what your goals are. Weight loss? More energy? Whatever it is, that workout is an important step in reaching it. Remind yourself of the big picture--what you do today counts.

Such an ugly word, I know, but discipline is part of successful weight loss and just another way of saying self-control. Think of how you practice self-control in the other parts of your life. Each day you fulfill your obligations to work and family, even when you'd rather just lie in bed and sleep late. That takes discipline. The same can be true of exercise. Of course, it's easy to make yourself go to work because there are consequences if you don't--you won't make as much money or you could lose your job. But if you don't workout, the consequences aren't as immediate, are they? Try these ideas to get more disciplined with exercise:

Make Exercise a Habit. Part of being disciplined is creating a habit. You may not want to brush your teeth every night, but you do it anyway because you always do it right before bed--it's a habit. You can do the same thing with exercise by keeping your workouts on specific days and times each week (if you can). Knowing that every Monday at 6 a.m. will find you at the gym will make it that much easier to show up for your workouts.
Know the Consequences. You already know what happens if you don't brush your teeth--cavities, gum disease, painful dental experiences, etc. But what are the consequences of not exercising? Make a list of all the things that could happen to your body and mind without exercise such as weight gain, increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, to name a few.
Get Some Help. One sure way to show up for your workout is to have someone waiting for you. One option is a personal trainer--someone who will hold you accountable for your workouts while educating you all at the same time. Another option is to get a workout buddy and have consquences if you don't show up. Having that support will make exercise more enjoyable AND keep you on track.
Make a Deal With Yourself. Don't feel like working out? Promise yourself you'll just do a warm up. If after 10 minutes you still don't want to workout, you can quit and go home. The majority of the time, you'll keep going. If you're still struggling, take some time to ask yourself these questions before you skip your workout. You may just change your mind.
Think of the Benefits. There are some amazing health benefits of exercise such as protection from cancer, a better sex life and more energy, just to name a few. Reminding yourself of what you're getting out of your workout may motivate you to get started.

Herbal components of the system:
Bio Energy Charged(tm)
Black Seed!
Black Seed!

"The Miracle Herb of the Century"

History shows us that this extraordinary herb may just be the primary health-bolstering agent of the millennium! For thousands of years,Nigella sativa, or Black Seed, has been revered for its astounding healing power. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned that "Black Seed is acure for all disease except death!". Throughout the ages, again andagain, Black Seed emerges in prominent herbals and medical texts as anotable healer for an astonishing range of ailments. This formula will take you through the history of this amazeing herb and into its use in our age, where in science is finally advanced enough to clinically validate what herbalists have long known: that Black Seed’s benefits are so diverse that, especially when used in conjunction with othertreatments and herbs, it is very nearly a cure-all.

A complex interaction of over 100 active components gives Black Seed a documented tremendous power to regulate immune function and enhance the body’sconstitution in a way no single substance has ever been known to do.

This means that Black Seed has been reported, useful against a vast array of ailments from those caused by bacteria or viruses, to common allergies and eveninjuries. The coming years will see exciting new applications of BlackSeed in the treatment of such fatal diseases as high blood pressure cancer hep c and AIDS.

This new formula provides a comprehensive solution of the healing science behind the miracle of Black Seed and details recent studies and modern uses, including: Treatment of Respiratory Ailments, Digestive Complaints, Skin Problems, Hypertension,Insulin dependance,Cancer, HIV/AIDs, Beauty andSkin Care, and More!
Bio Energy
(TM) Charged Alfalfa

Deep rooted alfalfa is rich in vitamins , B 17, and minerals. It is rich in fiber and is said to help with arthritis and other ailments. Our alfalfa is carefully selected and dried to preserve its naturally occurring constituents.

Bio Energy Charged(TM) Spirulina the Miracle Food Properties:

Although it is extremely rich in proteins it also contains eight essential amino acids that are essential for intelligence development, stimulating brain functions, strengthen mental capacity, building the circulatory system, as well as fat and lipid metabolism. It also assists the thyroid gland in the metabolic rate, improves digestion,and helps to stimulate muscle coordination.

Spirulina also contains 12 non essential amino acids that strengthens cellular walls,transforms carbohydrates into energy, detoxifies the blood, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and promotes both energy and oxygen usage in the cells. It also helps to slow the aging process.

However, it does not stop there. Because of the type of water that it thrives in,these waters are naturally rich in minerals that no other type of plants can survive in. Because of this ability it naturally absorbs these rich mineral contents of this alkaline water.

Bio Energy Charged (TM)Bee pollen:

Many people swear to the healing power of bee pollen. They claim that it’ll give you increased lifeforce, boost your body’s immune responses by increasing your red and white blood cells,increase longevity by repairing damaged cells, and help to cure all kinds of diseases with it’s built in antibacterial qualities. has all the essential components of life. It is considered by many to be nature’s most perfect complete food. It is extremely loaded with vitamins and contains nearly all known minerals, trace elements,enzymes and amino acids. Bee pollen is also considered to be a first-rate source of anti-oxidants.

Beepollen is a complete food, and taking it helps to balance the in complete foods that we are all used to eating in everyday life.

Additionally,bee pollen is one of the world’s oldest health foods. You can find references to it in the Bible, the Torah, the Koran as well as ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. And one of our most popular presidents .

People also say that it is good for the intestines, moderating and controlling the organisms dwelling there and helping to aid digestion and the assimilation of nutrition.

But it helps to keep a little perspective and remain as least a little skeptical. Thus far, I am aware of no reputable scientific study that supports the view that bee pollen is not effective ,against many human diseases.

So what exactly is bee pollen?

Pollen is created by the male part of the flowering plant. As the bees goes from flower to flower, it carries pollen with it, which cross-pollinates and fertilizes the plant. Some of the pollen also makes it back to the bee hive where bee keepers can then collect it.

And it is precisely because of this pollen that many people who have allergies will be negatively affected by bee pollen. In fact, there are,documented reports of bee pollen and royal jelly triggering asthma,hives, sore throats, litches and even anaphylactic shock in people with allergies to specific pollens. And these reactions can occur with as little as one teaspoonof bee pollen.

Nutritional supplements should never, ever take the place of consultation and treatment of your doctor or competent health care professional and nutritionist.

Many people swear to the healing power of bee pollen. They claim that it’ll give you increased life, boost your body’s immune responses by increasing your red and whiteblood cells,increase longevity by repairing damaged cells, and help to cure all kinds of diseases with it’s built in antibacterial qualities.

Professor Imhotep,s Bio -activated Wheat Grass.
WhyBio activated Wheatgrass?

The Littleton Grist Mill is now offering freshly made Wheatgrass juice --
long regarded as a nutritionally complete food.

ENERGISER: The vitality derived from wheatgrass juice is remarkable. 30 mls of freshly squeezed juice contains as much nutritional value as approximately 2 kilos of fresh green vegetables in vitamin, mineral and amino acid content. It is a complete protein containing about 20 amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and about 30 enzymes which are incredibly important for correct digestion and other bodily processes.

On an empty stomach, wheatgrass juice is assimilated into the blood in about 20 minutes, and the vitality lasts throughout the day. It is recommended to start with 30 mls of wheatgrass juice, followed by a glass of water or juice.

NUTRITIONAL: Wheatgrass juice is a complete food that can be taken orally with no toxic side effects. It is an important nutritional supplement as it contains, in a bioavailable form, most of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids needed for human maintenance.

To get the most benefit from vitamins and minerals, a person’s total intake should come in a form that is as close to a natural state as possible. Unfortunately many of the fruit and vegetables we buy today are nutrient deficient, and although vitamin supplements have their place, they have been processed in a laboratory and may have sat on shelves for months before they are ingested. Obviously nowhere near as powerful as “live” food.

Wheatgrass juice is an abundant source of the B vitamins and included vitamins C, E and carotene. These vitamins work to successfully destroy free radicals that can lead to the degeneration of the immune system, and the body as a whole. Wheat grass juice also contains at least 20 amino acids, and various minerals and enzymes. There are over 90 minerals, which are needed to maintain good metabolism. Some of these alkaline minerals found in wheatgrass are calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Enzymes are important active ingredients in wheatgrass juice. They are the life force of our foods, and are required to carry out many important biological and chemical functions within the body.

CHLOROPHYLL: The bioavailable chlorophyll found in wheat grass juice can protect us from carcinogens (cancer causing substances) like no other food or medicine. Studies in animals indicate that it helps to reduce absorption of a variety of serious carcinogens (Zeigler, 1995). It strengthens the cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream and chemically neutralizes the polluting elements in our environment. Given that the liver is the main organ of detoxification in the body, it is important to note that chlorophyll stimulates and regenerates it. Three compounds found in the juice that helps the liver with this are:

· Choline which prevents the deposition of fats;
· Magnesium which draws out excess fat;
· Potassium which invigorates and stimulates

BLOOD BUILDER: Both chlorophyll (as in wheatgrass juice) and hemoglobin (red blood cells) are molecularly similar. The only actual difference is that the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is iron, so chlorophyll has been shown to build red blood cells quickly after ingestion.

It normalizes high blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body, and stimulates healthy blood tissue cell growth. Chlorophyll has the ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide and release free oxygen. Wheatgrass stimulates metabolism and enzyme systems and the abundance of alkaline minerals in the juice helps to reduce over acidity in the blood.
BODY CLEANSING: Wheatgrass juice has a long tradition as a cleanser of blood, organs, and gastrointestinal tract. It contains saponin, a detergent factor which can help drain the lymphatic system, carrying away many toxins from the body cells. When an imbalance or injury exists, for example, sore tendons or joints or degenerative diseases, there is a natural buildup of mucous in the lymph particular to that area. This mucous is encapsulated, helping to ensure the proper flow of lymphatic fluid. Wheatgrass juice helps to break down the mucous, allows it to drain and thus relieves pressure and aids healing.
ALLERGIES AND SENSITIVITIES: Wheatgrass is different from wheat. One is a green vegetable, the other a grain. The green vegetable grass contains no gluten and is therefore no more allergic than spinach or lettuce. In fact, it contains antiallergic factors. Since allergies are immune responses to toxic irritants, detoxification is crucial to any allergy treatment problem.
(Steve Meyerowitz, 1998)
BODY HEALING: In the book “Survival into The 21st Century” by Rev. Viktoras kuluinskas, M.S., it states “in therapeutic amounts, wheatgrass juice will detoxify the body by increasing the elimination of hardened mucous, crystallized acids and solidified, decaying fecal matter. It’s high enzyme content helps dissolve tumours. It is the fastest, surest way to eliminate internal waster and provide an optimum nutritional environment. Wheatgrass juice is the nectar of rejuvenation, the plasma of youth, the blood of all life. The elements that are missing in your body’s cells – especially enzymes, vitamins, hormones, and nucleic acids, can be obtained from this daily green sunlight transfusion.”

Anne Wigmore believes “Wheatgrass is not a cure, however, through scientific investigation and experimentation we have discovered that it furnishes the body with vital nourishment, which, when missing, yields sickness.”
(The Wheatgrass Book, 1989)

The movement for the human consumption of wheatgrass began in the western world in the 1930s and was initiated by Charles F. Schnabal, known as “the father of wheatgrass”. He said “Fifteen pounds of wheatgrass is equivalent to 350 pounds of the choicest vegetables”.

Dr. Anne Wigmore “The Wheatgrass Book” 1989.
Steve Meyerowitz “Wheatgrass, Nature’s Finest Medicine” 1998.
Rev. Viktoras Kuluinskas “Survival into the 21st Century” 1976.

Wheatgrass is a complete protein and provides the following AMINO ACIDS.

Abensic- anti cancer agent
Alanine- blood builder
Arginine- seminal fluid
Aspartic acid- energy
Glutamic acid- mental alertness
Glycine- energy
Histidine- hearing and nerve function
Isoleucine- growth in infants
Loucine- energy and nerve stimulation
Lysine- anti aging
Methionine- kidney and liver cleanser
Phenylaianine thyroid function
Proline- Glutamic acid absorption
Serine- brain stimulation
Threonine- digestion and assimilation
Tryptophane- skin and hair growth
Valine- brain/muscle coordination

(Anne Wigmore, 1989)

Some of the ENZYMES present in wheatgrass juice are:

Protease – assists in protein digestion
Amylase – facilitates starch digestion
Soperoxide Dismutase (SOD) – found in all body cells and is known for its ability to lessen the effect of radiation and slow cellular aging.
Cytochrome Oxidase – anti oxidant
Lipase – a fat splitting enzyme
Transhydrogenase – keeps heart muscle toned

The Bio activated herbal Process .

The Bio activated herbal process is a special system, were by all the products go thru a special electro magnetic bonding process to enhance the energy of the cells of the herbal products.
The best way to take the product:
in cold water juice 3 times a day you only need a half of a cap full in 12 0z of water.

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No medical claims are made for this product


This effective information, published and made available, through the web site is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship.


(1-888- 888-9802, ext- 84912 Chiforce Labs LLC

2 Special Ingredients in Weight Blaster Unlimited are the The Chinese Herbs, Kunbu, hei zhong cao [黑種草] aid in rapid safe natural weight loss.

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